
Posts Tagged ‘breastfeeding’

World Breastfeeding Week 2019 – “Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding”

Breastfeeding Week is a time for us to think as a society about how we can support new mothers & their families better. Part of that support is helping women feed their babies, and we know that where women receive help from family members in the early weeks and months there is an impact on

World Breastfeeding Week: 1-7 August 2018

Breastfeeding is a subject that can be so emotive and at times divisive between women, but World Breastfeeding Week aims to share information on breastfeeding, which helps women to make informed choices.   In reality, breastfeeding does not always get off to a good start and support is often lacking from family and professionals… We

Laid-Back breastfeeding at the Active Birth Centre

Supporting mums who are struggling to breastfeed

Avni Trivedi is the Osteopath at the Active Birth Centre. Here, we’re excited to share the interview series she runs on her own website. I think it’s really important for practitioners to work in an integrated way, as you can address things from all directions and offer the most complete care to your clients. I

Birth Stories No. 18: Gulya’s Active Birth

I gave birth to our daughter Cassandra on a Monday evening at the Whittington Birth Centre in October. Unlike our expectations of a ‘likely’ arrival post-EDD, Cassie arrived in week 39. Three days before Cassie’s birth, on Friday, I had my second reflexology session with Sophia Smith at the Active Birth Centre, which was wonderfully

When Breastfeeding doesn’t go to plan – Amy’s Story

Before I had a baby, to my surprise along with what turned out to be the two standard questions (when are you due? Do you know if it’s a boy it’s girl?). A lot of women also asked me, “Will you breastfeed?” Ever not wanting to tempt fate I’d reply, “If I can”. But the

delayed cord clamping1

Don’t clamp the cord! Some good news from the RCOG

I have always marvelled at the way nature has provided the newborn baby with a double lifeline in the critical period immediately after birth. Moments after birth, the baby takes its first independent breath. It takes a few minutes for changes to occur in the chambers of the baby’s heart so that is begins to

This baby is a little older - but it's exactly how you'd start 'skin-to-skin' with a newborn

‘Laid-back’ Breastfeeding: Tips and Highlights from the Workshop

Welcome to the first entry on our blog! Last night I gave a workshop at the Active Birth Centre on a wonderful way to have a much easier and more enjoyable start with your new baby. I introduced the concept of ‘laid-back’ breastfeeding pioneered by the midwife Suzanne Colson. It’s an approach she calls ‘Biological Nurturing’.