Antenatal Classes near Finsbury Park
Your body instinctively knows how to give birth and your baby knows how to be born.
Usually, when a woman is undisturbed relaxed in a peaceful and private environment, birth progresses well, without complications.Our antenatal classes near Finsbury Park offer the best resources available to increase the possibility of a problem free, natural birth.
We also know that on occasions mum or baby may need a helping hand. So we offer a broad range of information about the physiology of labour and birth, insights into common medical interventions and how best to use them, practice with labour and birthing positions, breathing and self-hypnosis.
Choose from these inspirational antenatal classes, courses and workshops for you and your partner:
Birth Preparation
- Complete Active Birth Weekend
- One-Day Active Birth Workshop
- HypnoBirthing with Janet Balaskas
- Antenatal Pregnancy Yoga
Complete Active Birth Weekend Course
This two-day antenatal course with Janet Balaskas and Jill Benjoya Miller will give you and your partner the fullest preparation for birth. Learn birth physiology experientially, practicing labour and birth positions, relaxation and massage techniques that will prepare you for a natural birth. Receive expert insights about common medical interventions, and when to use them. More Information.
We also offer a one-day Active Birth Workshop with Alice Charlwood.
HypnoBirthing with Janet Balaskas
Through breathing exercises and self-hypnosis, this WiseHippo certified course uses the power of the mind to reverse fears and negative expectations about birth. Develop inner calm and confidence, and learn techniques you can use in labour and throughout pregnancy. More Information.
Antenatal Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga was invented at The Active Birth Centre. We offer regular Yoga classes for mums-to-be and their partners. This system of Yoga practice was pioneered by Janet Balaskas as a ‘body centred’ way to prepare for childbirth. Teach your body techniques it can draw upon effortlessly and instinctively in labour; learn about birth, and become stronger, more flexible and more relaxed; prepare your mind, and develop inner calm and confidence. More Information.
Newborn Care
BabyCalm™ Antenatal Workshop
Lynn Murphy introduces parents-to-be to a new baby’s natural behaviour in the weeks and months after birth. Why do babies seem fussy? Why do babies cry? And why do they sleep for short periods? Learn how to calm a crying baby; discover more about ‘colic’ and how to relieve it; maximise the sleep your baby – and you – will get; learn how to swaddle and if it is for you; learn how to carry your baby in a sling or carrier; and learn which baby products are worth buying. More Information.
Breastfeeding & Newborn Baby Care
Many of the most common problems mums experience with breastfeeding can be avoided with the information you will get in this workshop with Janet Balaskas. Learn to breastfeed ‘laid-back’. These new techniques, overturning old advice to sit upright, will show you how to encourage your baby’s reflex instincts to ‘self-attach’, and breastfeed comfortably. More Information.
Baby Resuscitation & First Aid
With Bernadette Rae, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and St. John’s Ambulance qualified First Aider. This essential workshop in First Aid for babies will ensure that you know how to resuscitate a baby or young child in the event of an emergency. It is very rare for babies to need emergency first aid yet, when a child chokes or has trouble breathing, effective resuscitation can save a life and prevent brain damage. More Information.
Be Empowered in Your Choices:
Whether you want to give birth in a birthing centre, a hospital or at home; in water, on a bed, or on a birthing mat; our antenatal classes near Finsbury Park will help you to make the choice that’s best for you, and give you all the preparation you need.